Saturday 27 June 2020



The most fundamental requirement of life is money. In today's age, money is the prime need because without it you cannot even fulfill the basic needs in life.
The aim of this entire course is to fully understand money and how to achieve it with minimum effort.
Wealth is an energy and just as we can capture the energy of different planets with different gems, in the same way, by installing the Dhan energy, wealth automatically pulls on us like a magnet.
Money cannot be earned by hard work because the laborers work many times harder than us. Money cannot be earned even with intelligence because many intellectuals earn money on average.
To earn money, it is very important to understand its basic principles.
This entire course provides complete authentic information about attracting and receiving funds quickly which is thoroughly tested.
Right now a lot of money magnet course is in the market but all those big things have been spoken and without defining the money only words like positive thoughts, willpower, confidence have been told. But in this course you have been told about the energy of money and how to convert your home and your house into magnet in the shortest possible time that money will pull you more automatically.
In this complete wealth attraction course, you will get information on the following topics:
1. Money a detailed research
2. Negative energy blocking money
3. Money and your home
4. Self-analysis, say that you yourself are not getting in the way of money
5. Money and planets
6. Paranormal powers and wealth
7. How to make a house magnet
8. Money Attractive Special Items
9. Vastu and wealth
10. A way to get money that will work for you 24 hours, 365 days and that too without taking your time.
11. Crystal and Money
12. Money Tools
13. Money Tools
14. Rudraksha and money relations
15. How to awaken your sleep and attract money
16. Decoding Bhagwati Lakshmi
17. Business money tools
18. Plant Alchemy, Herbology
19. Parad a divine blessing
20. Divine oils
21. Rare Bird System Which Gets Money
22. Make rare ingredients yourself at home
23. Holi, Diwali, Eclipse - How to change your destiny in these priceless moments
24. Some good uses related to money
25. Perform special tests related to money.
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Apart from this, a lot of special information will be provided to you in this course.
Whatever we get in human life, the deeds of our past lives, our family, our deeds, etc. all give us fruits. Therefore, for the first time, such authentic information about money is being made available to you:
# Understand the energy of money
# What are the things in your house that are hindering money
# Things that pull money like magnets
# Dev rare use to eliminate all planetary defects
# One such common herb whose daily negative effects of the planet cannot be blocked by you.
# Such a divine herb with a paste on the Manipur Chakra will awaken the Manipur Chakra and make you full of wealth.
# Some machines that will work for you 24 hours in attracting money and you can make them yourself.
# Authentic way to remove bad luck, curses, systemic barriers, etc.
# True and authentic use of items like crystal, Rudraksha etc.
# Some such lucrative experiments which you can easily do and their results are fully proven.
# Do some perfect Lakshmi Sadhana
Apart from this, very rare information is also given in this course.
This whole learning is self-fulfilling, all you need is to understand this wealth attraction course. This is a ladder to change your destiny, on which you can take your life to a height.
In the end, it can only be said that you can do this wealth attraction course and become the creator of your own destiny. This is a boon you just have to achieve. Getting money is not easy, so many negative feelings can come to your mind, but believe that after doing this course, you will feel yourself that you have truly imbibed that wealth and Shri needed in today's time. Have done and understood its practical aspect.
After taking this course, any of your curiosity or questions will be fully answered and guided.
Mobile phone +91 8979382289 / vinod kumar



Learn a complete conjunction of Yoga and Tantra that is residing in the secret of the hearts of great yogis and sanyasis. Tantra Yoga comprise of divine powers of herbs and siddha mantras.
Siddha Mantras used in tantra yoga are directly siddh means their is no need to energise them, all of them are fully energised and ready to use.
Tantra Yoga helps in removing obstacles, divine knowledge , conservation of energy , etc which helps to achieve higher level of yoga.
Also it comprises of divine herbs which is applied on navel, ears etc to open and traversing chakras and control of mind.
Also divine mantras help in mind control , disease removal and kayakalp for success in yoga.

Language : English and Hindi

Tantra Yoga index :
1. Tantra Yoga starting
2. Discipline, shakti paat and guru importance
3. Body purification and kayakalp
4. Aasan , pranayam and tribandh pranayam
5. Body chakra details
6. Mooladhar Chakra - herbal paste and mudra
7. Swadhisthaan Chakra - herbal paste and mudra
8. Manipur Chakra - herbal paste and mudra
9. Tibettan Meditation
10. Secret Tank Vidhya
11. Yoga , karmas obstacle removal mantra and herbal formulation
12. Maha Bhairav Maha Rudra divine mantra for obstacles and free mind
13. Divine knowledge - Mantra and herbal formula
14. Shakti paat and yogic energy conservation mantra and herbal formulation
15. Brahm granthi - Vishnu granthi - Rudra granthi , opening secret
16. Complete removal of body disorders
17. Mental stability and mind control , zero mind state - Herbal formulation , mantra and much more secrets
18. Mind Control Mantra
19. Traversing Manipur Chakra
20. Traversing Anahat Chakra
21. Tibettan TUMO bhadrakali combination kriya
22. Complete activation kriya
23. Yog Nidra
24. Atma Sammohan and uses
25. Top secret Gayatri Mantra secret revealed
26. Past life sins and karmas dissolving maha mantra
27. Future In tution , Astral Travel
28. Kundalini Activation Meditation
29. Chakras Goddesses Lakini , hakini , rakini mantra and process
30. Light Meditation - Most secret meditation in which inner light is used to travel inside body.

Also lots of mantra and herbal formulation for different purpose.

Texts :
1. Yog process
2. Yog Aasan
3. Pranayam Process
4. Herbal Formulations for chakras
5. Herbal Formulations for mind control
6. Self energised Mantra
7. Chakra details
8. Chakra Goddesses mantra and process

Tantra Yog is a complete process for getting higher stage in yoga with help of divine herbs and mantra. It helps in fast attainment of yog siddhi.

For Learning , contact :

Call/ whatsapp : +91 8979382289

Email :



Learn Kriya Yog complete course from beginning to Advance with best spiritual secret methods of meditation.
It's highly fortunate to do kriya yog as it comprise whole body activation. It's a speedy way of advancing into meditation with all chakras and kundalini gets activated in a combined manner , no need to do different perspective for each chakras or kundalini.

This is highly secret and hidden knowledge and one should be fully committed to do kriya yog. Kriya Yog require patience, respect and full devotion for success in it.

Time : 1 year approx.
Language : Hindi & English

This course can be do through distance as all videos and guidance will be send . Also video calling can also be done for solving queries and guidance. This is followed with special initiation and guidance on basis of one's experiences.
Also special shaktipat and initiation will activate kundalini fastly and you will experience divine experiences in a fast manner.

 Course Contents :

Videos :

1. Kriya yog basic
2. Full body purification
3. Importance of guru
4. Shakti paat or initiation importance
5. Discipline & Rules
6. Dharana,  Dhyaan & Samadhi
7. Shiva Shati cosmic secret or kundalini travel to crown
8. Aasan - helpful for kriya yog
9. Pranayam - for kriya yog
10. Tribandh kriya - powerful mudra for kundalini and chakra activation
11. Chakra
12. Ida - Pingala - Sushumna secret
13. Virja Nadi - secret
14. Beej Sadhana - Aim hreem kaleem
15. Tank knowledge - ulta & palta kriya , opening 3 knots of brahm granthi, vishnu granthi and rudra granthi.
16. Shambhvi Mudra - special mudra for kundalini and mind control
17. Mooladhar & Manipur chakra - purification and opening
18. Anahat or heart chakra
19. Brahm , Vishnu & Rudra granthi opening process
20. Complete kriya yog kriya - for activation of all chakra and kundalini at one go
21. Brahm tatva sadhana - door to samadhi
22. Tumo - most powerful and highly secret process for traversing all chakra and kundalini instantly.
23. Crown chakra activation kriya
24. Samadhi kriya
25. Samadhi secret
26. Oneness to supreme

Texts :

1. Samadhi or atma sakshatkar - search for infinity
2. Samadhi or atma sakshatkar - helpful parts
3. Samadhi or atma sakshatkar - secret
4. Samadhi or atma sakshatkar - experiences
5. Samadhi or atma sakshatkar - journey

This is divine and most fortunate time in our life when we wish to do kriya yog to complete most desired goal in our life.

Full Guidance and support will be provided for getting success in kriya yog.

For enquiry or registration
Call or Whatsapp : +91-8979382289

Or email :



 LEARN SRIVIDYA ONLINE DISTANCE CLASSES (language available English & Hindi)
SRI-VIDYA diksha or initiation is must for persuing sri-chakra upasana. Hence we have started giving diksha practically and by distance also. It is highly fortunate to have sri vidya diksha as it is highest level knowledge for attaining highest level of spiritual bliss.
You will receive videos for each level through email or whatsapp for doing various levels of srividya.
Sri Vidya diksha is provided by Guruji Sumit Sharma having vast knowledge and follows the lineage related to god parshuram.
For distance , all the study material and poojan vidhi is send through courier. Then timings will be fixed for initiation and then proceedings will be done according to this. All the levels below are covered in sri-vidya diksha step by step and in each level special initiation had been carried out.
Level 1 – Atma beej and atma beej mantra 
Level 2 – Bal tripursundari 
Level 3 – Panchdashi
Level 4 – Mahashodashi 
All these levels will be done by distance also. With these other study material and special secret processes like sri-chakra nyas –different types, havan process, nav aavran poojan etc had been given and teach in special way so that one gets complete knowledge of sri-vidya. Our teaching of srividya covers all important and vast knowledge which is un comparable and results are fast as it comprise Mishra marga which follows a series of processes which gives you highest level of concentration within a short time.
 Major learnings you will get

1. Your Atma beej and its mantra
2. Bal tripur sundari poojan and mantra
3. Panchdashi poojan and mantra
4. Mahashodashi poojan and mantra
5. Inner chakras meditation
6. Nav-aavran poojan process
7. Havan process
8. Different Nyas process
9. Sri-chakra complete secret
10. GURU mandal poojan secret
11. Different stotra like khadagmala, sahastranaam etc
12. Devi Varahi & Mantrini prayog
13. Sadhana for cleansing and dosh removal
14. Different types of sriyantra poojan for different purposes.
15. Nitya devi poojan complete process and sadhana
16. Navgreh Mandal Poojan process
17. Different mudras and their uses.
18. Ganesh sadhana, Mahavidya sadhana , Bhairav Sadhana etc.
19. Antarmatrika Nyas – Inner chakra meditation.
20. Special secret yog mudras for attaining highest level of meditation stage.
21.Different spiritual keys to fasten spiritual journey.
Videos will be provided for each processes .

 Benefits :

1. One gets complete transformation , his mind becomes soft and free of thoughts. Inner silence persists inside and deep sense of softness inherited.
2. Activation of kundalini through sri-vidya sadhana.
3. Removal of all bodily and mentally diseases.
4. As sri-vidya symbolize shree so you will get all sorts of worldy desires fulfilled without your consent.
5. Reaching to the highest stage of meditation and complete oneness with the supreme.
6. All yours problems gets solved due to worship of sri-chakra where whole universe originates.
7. This is the most sacred knowledge only who are fortunate enough had get sri-vidya in his life.
The total benefits are beyond limits and thousands of pages can be filled if one writes the benefits of sri-vidya.

A sum of Rs. 11000 had been charged for all levels , guidance and study material cost . All the amount is used for charity purposes only. We are a charity organization running go-shalas and we are continuously working for opening of new go-shalas, temples, etc so all amount will be transferred for charity purposes.

1. Meru Sriyantra
This is basic meru sriyantra provided by us , although you can upgrade it by giving extra payment for special sriyantra.
For providing you highest level of purity and protection, this is filled with special herbs , ratnas and yantras.
3. 15 Nitya devi yantra
For nitya devi sadhanas
4. Navgresh Mandal Yantra
For nine planets worship
5. Sadhana Materials – Rosaries and yantra for mahavidyas etc
6. Study Materials
Around 300 pages of srividya study materials.
7. VIDEOS for easy understanding
8. Special rasmani for kundalini activation.
And much more…

Contact :

Monday 22 June 2020




1.     Introduction videos
2.    Safety & precaution
3.    Divine mantra
4.    Parad sanskar videos - 1 to 12  
          # Kharal video   
          # Tapt kharal
          # Swedan
          # Patan  
          # Washing
5.    Gandhak purification
6.    Gandhak jarana
7.    Satva patan
8.    12th  sanskar – charana
9.    Mercury solidification
10.  Divine gutika making
11.   Purification – copper, tin, arsenic,
12.  Alchemy oil – sulphur, salte.
13.  Kundalini activation through alchemy
14.  Astral travel through alchemy
15.  Disease free body using alchemy 
16.  Fire stagnant kalmishora

SPECIAL PROCESS : Some special processes for making mercury fire stagnant , parad solidification , different types of gutika making processes etc.
The ultimate aim is to teach this divine knowledge to more and more person so that Parad Vidya can be spread and more and more person can do parad sanskaar.

This knowledge is most divine and pure and also very secret in nature. To sanctified mercury and making of shivling and divine gutikas is a very very sacred task . Very few persons know this , so to overcome such divine knowledge we hear fully  launch this process with easy processes developed with our deep research.

Kit provided with the course made this lengthy and difficult process into very simple and short process . We have trained many persons in this field like BAMS doctors, phd holders or research students

CONTACT :- +91 8979382289
                        +91 9027769610


What is Alchemy

 1. What is Alchemy?
 2. Importance of Parad in Alchemy ?
 3. Ancient Scripter Story of Mercury
 4. Safety & Precautions
 5. Types of Mortar or Kharal
 6. Types of Mercury
 7. Divine Mantra for Alchemy Success
 8. Parad sanskaar – purification of mercury
 9. Parad sanskaar 1 – 12 # videos all
 10. Benefits of Alchemy in Spiritual & Materialistic World
 11. Parad Solidification
 12. Divine Gutika Formulation
 13. Purification of copper, silver, iron, zinc, tin sulfur, salts etc.
 14. Alchemy formulation for spiritual growth
 15. Alchemy formulation for wealth
 16. Special alchemy oil preparation like sulfur oil, oil of salts etc.
 17. Alchemy elixirs for –
         # Disease for body
         # Deep meditation
         # Eternal elixirs
         # Protection
         # Kundalini activation
         # Chakra activation
        # Astral travel

 18. Fire stagnant mercury
 19. Fire stagnant kalmishora
   #  Special formulations 


CONTACT :- +91 8979382289
                        +91 9027769610

Learn Alchemy

Learn Alchemy

·         Alchemy Importance & History  
·         Benefits of Alchemy in spiritual & materialistic world
·         Purification of mercury
·         Purification of alchemy materials :- Copper, silver, Iron , Zinc, Tin, Sulphur,  Salts, Compounds Etc.
·         Practical making of alchemy elixirs.
·         Alchemy special formulation for spiritual growth.
·         Special miraculous formulation for health.
·         Trans formation of metals through alchemy.
·         Special alchemy oil preparations  like sulphur oil , oil of salt, compound salts Etc.
·         Alchemy using animals extracts .
·         Spiritual formation using alchemy.
·         Alchemy elixirs for :-
o   Disease free body
o   Deep meditation
o   Highly positive elixirs
o   Protection
o   Kundalini activation
o   Chakra activation

·         Linkage of alchemy to subconsciousness.
·         Alchemy elixir for astral travel.
·         Alchemy elixir preparation of direct kudalini activation.
·         Learning for different application of alchemy for personal  & soilty benefits.
·         Alchemy for reducing earth element in body to achieve consciousness in mediation.
·         Herbal alchemy :-
o   How to use herbs to full activate them
o   Proper process for getting divine power form alchemy
o   Special herbs details for miracles.
o    Special divine metals form herbs
o   Herbs & alchemy interface .
·         Alchemy extraction of divine products form our surroundings.
·         Alchemy advance for high spiritual powers.
·         Readymade alchemy formulation for :-
o   Enemy destraction
o   For wealth abundance
o   For health & transformation
o   For love
o   For deep silence &
 much more.


CONTACT :- +91 8979382289
                        +91 9027769610


MONEY MAGNET / ATTRACTION The most fundamental requirement of life is money. In today's age, money is the prime need because without...